Minggu, 01 Agustus 2010

Soewandi, The Author/Creator Of "Suwandi Spelling"

Soewandi, is a major figure in the simplification of spelling Van Ophuysen, which was then known by the term Suwandi spellings. He is a former Minister of Justice and Minister of PP and K, and never led the Indonesian delegation in negotiations at the international level 

Soewandi was born in October 1899 in Surakarta, Central Java. In 1917 he managed to get a diploma from the school pangreh OSVIA Madison Township. Armed with such diploma, he worked as a clerk at the Ministry of Teaching the Netherlands in Jakarta. In between his time he still took a class in high school majored in law. In 1923 he successfully graduated from the law department and earned his degree Meester in de Rechten (Meester = SH). Not just stop there, also won diploma Soewandi notary. Even he was listed as the first Indonesian to pass comprehensive exams to get the title deed. 

Armed with these academic cleverness Soewandi believed to be the Minister of Justice in November 1945 until October 1946. He was appointed Minister of Education and Culture Teaching (PP and K) in the period October 1946 until July 1947. At the time appointed minister of PP and K is launching a buzz simplify spelling Suwandi Indonesian. At that time in force is the van Ophuysen spellings. Simplification
spelling Soewandi was a milestone in the style of the historical development of Indonesian language is never forgotten, which was then known by the name spelling Soewandi. Based on Decree stipulating the PP and K number 264/Bhg A dated March 19, 1947. Soewandi never led the Indonesian delegation in negotiations with Netherlands in Hoge Veluwe , Netherlands. 

After the year 1950 opened an office Soewandi notary public and he became its chairman. In August 1960 the Board of Curators Indonesia appoints Soewandi as a team leader Encyclopedias Indonesian composer. But that task was assigned to finish because of his health condition is not possible. On March 6, 1964 Suwandi dies at the age of 47 years.

(English Version by  Uncle Google, Indonesian version, please click   SOEWANDI, Pencetus Ejaan Suwandi)

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