Minggu, 05 September 2010

The Summary of Trenggalek Town's History (1)

The Summary of Trenggalek town's history is taken from the original book of  "The History of Trenggalek" which collected and published by the History of Trenggalek Committee working together with scholars of history and Pedagogy Institute of Education (Teachers' Training College) in Malang. In this summary will only mention the important chapters, namely:

A. Period Of Pre Perdikan
B. Period Of Perdikan:
     1. Period Of Hindu Perdikan.
     2. Period Of Islamic Perdikan.
C. Period Of Trenggalek Beginning (Trenggalek Awal).
D. Period Of Trenggalek Shining (Trenggalek Gemilang).
E. Period Of Trenggalek Authority (Trenggalek Wibawa).

A. Pre Perdikan Period

At the time of Pre-History or Pre Perdikan period, in the area of  Trenggalek there were human existing residence, though with a culture that is still very simple, as is common in the other region . Much of historical objects found in this area which shows the results of Period Nirleka cultures such as: Watu Saji, Watu dakon, Lumpang Watu, Watu Palinggih, and so forth. These objects found in places which is the location of traffic and human habitation at the time, in between Pacitan-Panggul-Wajak-Tulungagung. This is the Period of Neolithic Megalithic.

B. Perdikan Period

Pre-historical Period ended by the history phase or Perdikan Period came, ie the period in which humans are familiar with literature and writing in spite of the existence a still very modest. At this time the area included of authority  the empire  mpu  Sindhok. This was proven many inscriptions artificial by mPu Sindhok, which is the inscription of historical is Prasasti Kampak. Mpu Sindhok become a king in East Java between Saka 851 years coinciding with the 929 AD. Its can be known from that inscription, Trenggalek had received the gift as Kampak Perdikan. These inscriptions also show broad powers of King mpu Sindhok, ie, southward to the  Indonesia Ocean - including the Panggul area, Prigi and Munjungan (subdistrict of Trenggalek Town).   The power of mPu Sindhok on the northern reaches to Dawuhan region which now represents the northern city of Trenggalek.

The inscription indicates that this region extraordinary, because this region was a gift from Bathara I Sang Hyang Prasadha Kabhaktian I  named Perdikan Kampak.

The Empire of Kahuripan collapsed and subsequently became the kingdom of Kediri, which is controlled by Airlangga King. Kediri royal dynasty that became the last king was nicknamed the King of Sri Sarweswara Kertajaya Triwikramamawatara Ninditya Srenggalancana Digwijayatunggadewa which also known as King Dhandhanggendhis.

At the era of King Kertajaya, Trenggalek already appeared in the  history and into to the Perdikan period. As evidence, King Kertajaya give attention and seriousness to Trenggalek can be seen on the inscription Kamulan made in the year 1194 AD or 1116 Saka.

Kamulan inscriptions discovered in Kamulan village, Durenan, Trenggalek District, East Java. The front of the inscription contains 31 lines and in the back lists 33 lines. Part of the inscription tells us that at that time King Kertajaya forced to leave the palace and arrived in Kamulan, due to assault the enemy kingdom. By blessing, assistance and protection from all peoples of Kamulan, Kertajaya  with his troops can be the winner of the war and drive out the enemy, then returned to the Kediri
Palace. So as thanks giving was helping him, he give a special treatment to the people of Kamulan as territory the Perdikan Kamulan, Trenggalek. Based on these Kamulan inscription indicates that since that time Trenggalek has become a regional Swatantra.

According to the cultural and historical research experts, the inscription by The King Kertajaya ie Kamulan Prasasti is the strongest to be used as a benchmark to dissect the History of Trenggalek. Kamulan inscription written in "Bhadrawulan da perangan  Suklapaksa, dinten Budha Kaliwuan tahun Saka 1116". Thus, guided by the inscription of this Kamulan, birth (anniversary) and the establishment of Trenggalek certainly fall on Wednesday Kliwon, dated August 31, 1194 AD.

Period is divided into two Pase Perdikan, ie Hindu and  Islam. In Hindu Phase much tangible evidence like cultural temples, statues, commemorative, yoni, and the like. Evidenced on this period is until now still can be seen in  Dompyong village (Bendungan Subdistrict) , Ngreco in Sukorame village, (Gandusari Subdistrict), also in Watulimo Subdistrict and in others places.

After the Hindu Perdikan phase, followed by  Islamic Perdikan phase,  where Islam is growing very rapidly at Trenggalek, with the result that Perdikan's Hindu declared themselves to be part of the Islamic Perdikan. Nevertheless, historians have  successfully presented only  two evidence, namely:

  1. Pondok Pesantren Sumbergayam, Durenan Subdistrict (oldest). 
  2. Menak Sopal Grave, written on the tombstone of his wife "Candra Sengkala Memet" which reads "Sirnaning Puspita Cinatur Wulan" which meant the year 1490 Saka, or the year 1568 AD.

(To be continued)

Indonesian Version: 

2 Komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

greeting for you
muas be the fiiirrrsssttttt hehehehe
ehm thia make me know more whenever people was tell us aboout more in trenggalek..ok good luck yo

Lina CahNdeso mengatakan...

Dhana/戴安娜 : Kamsia-kamsia-kamsia... your support is good for my soul. Oeeeehmmm... jik ngantuk, Jenk, hhhmmm...zzzz...zzzz...

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