Senin, 06 September 2010

The Summary of Trenggalek Town's History (2)

Photo: The Regent H. Soehrto giving Trenggalek flag's on Ceremony of  Trenggalek  anniversary to the Vice Regent Mahsun Ismail.

C.  Period of  Trenggalek Beginning

Perdikan-Islamic expiration entering the phase beginning  of Trenggalek  . This period  counted from the year 1830 until the year 1932 AD, the era filled with change in the Dutch governance. It was happening incident before 1930 are alarming situation in Java is the "Pacinan War", where the VOC had committed the murder and persecution of many  China ethnic. This event occurred in Batavia on October 10, 1740.)

Genesis is also a profound effect on Kartasura's Palace, because Mas Garendi  the epithet Sunan Kuning openly provide protection to the citizens of China who revolt and rebel against authority Kartasura Palace, on the date of June 30, 1742. Until Sunan Paku Buwana II was forced down from his throne and fled to Ponorogo. Then, by the Regent assistance Mertodiningrat, Sunan Paku Buwana II managed to eradicate and destroy all rebel forces.

As a token of his gratitude, Sunan Paku Buwana II gives grace to the Regent Mertodiningrat, namely his son, named Sumotruno, enthroned as the Regent in Trenggalek. Sumotruno was the first Regent of Trenggalek. Furthermore, the order of the regent of this period was as follows:
  1. Regent Sumotaruno , The first regent of Trenggalek;
  2. Regent Ngabehi Surengrono (on era Mangkubumen war) in accordance Gianti Agreement dated February 13, 1755, Trenggalek divided into two regions, namely zona eastern  become  teritorial section of Ngrawa, and the west become  teritorial section of Pacitan.
  3. Regent RT Mangunnegoro;
  4. Regent RT Aryo Kusumo Adinoto;
  5. Regent R. Ngabehi Joyopuspito (RT Pusponegoro);
  6. Regent R. Gondokusumo (Tumenggung Sumo Adiningrat) years from 1845 to 1850;
  7. Regent Diredjo Mangun, year 1850 - 1894;
  8. Regent Wijoyo Kusumo, the year 1894 - 1904;
  9. Regent Purbo Negoro, 1904 - 1932, he is become the last regent of Trenggalek early.
D.  Period Of  Trenggalek Shining

At the time of Trenggalek Shining  (Gemilang) not many events that are listed that have been collected by scholars and historians. Unless the event that the handover of sovereignty between the Netherlands Government to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI). At that time the Dutch government is represented Majoor Soemadi Crew and Karis, while the Republic of Indonesia is represented Moekardi Pamerintah, R. Roestamadji and Kardono.

E.  Period Of  Trenggalek  Authority  (Wibawa)
Based on Law Number 20 Year 1950, Trenggalek divided into 4 (four) Residence (Kawedanaan), namely:

   1. Trenggalek Residence;  
   2. Karangan Residence;
   3. Kampak Residence; and
   4. Panggul Residence

The Names of the Regent on phase Trenggalek Brightness, are:
  1. Regent Notosoegito; 
  2. Regent R. Lantip, during his reign, DPRS (Provisional People's Representative Council) was formed and chaired by R. Oetomo
  3. Regent Moeprapto; In this period under the Law No. 20 and No. 12 years old in 1950, and the Regulation of goverment number 52 In 1950, the area Trenggalek reinstated until like today. And who was appointed as Regent is Moeprapto starting on December 27, 1950 until January 21, 1958; In the Year 1951 at the Regent Moeprapto Trenggalek ruling people's lives are like "ketiban Ndaru", gebyarnya very famous. At that time, First President Ir. Sukarno the Proclaimers,  was pleased to come to Trenggalek and deliver a speech at Aloon-aloon Trenggalek.
  4. Regent Abdul Karim Diposastro, accompanied by Chief R. Soepangat Prawirawinata Region;
  5. Regent Soetomo Koencahya, who for his part G 30 S / PKI, to be secured by the Government Order.
  6. Regent M. Hardjito, 1 October 1965-30 Januari 1967. M. Hardjito was crowned the first Trenggalek regent during the Orde Baru; 
  7. Regent Moeladi, February 1, 1967 - October 1, 1967;
  8. Regent Soetran, 1968 - 1975. In his reign, Trenggalek became the first district in East Java, which was awarded "Parasamya Purnakarya Nugraha" on the year 1974. Where because of his services, H. Soetran was appointed Governor of Irian Jaya by the Central Government.
  9. Regent M. Ch. Poernanto;
  10. Regent Soedarso, appointed Regent Trenggalek September 4, 1975 - October 2, 1985. In this Soedarso reign, can be determined the date of  the hstory of Trenggalek annversary  on August 31, 1194 AD
  11. Regent H. Haroen Al Rashid on October 2, 1985 - October 2, 1990;
  12. Regent Drs. H. Slamet dated October 2, 1990 - October 2, 1995;
  13. Regent Drs. H. Ernomo, dated October 2, 1995 - 2 October 2000;
  14. Regent Ir. H. Mulyadi WR, dated 2 October 2000 - October 2, 2005;
  15. Regent H. Suharto, dated October 2, 2005 until now and will end later on October 2, 2010.
Growth and development of Trenggalek if studied in depth is different from other districts, although equally Mataraman region. The root of the word "Treng lan Galih" which was then due to the language of his words became "Trenggalek" is a very convenient shape and character of the earth Trenggalek. That's why, as a prayer and hope of "The History of Trenggalek" always fully with the spirit  "JAYA WIJAYAGUNG TRENGGALEK JAYATI".

Do not forget to read:

2 Komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

greeting for you
ga iso bahasa inggris make me litle ubnderstand n celebrate in trenggalek make in the world get something good info..ok met selamat dengan PR 1 nya yach

Lina CahNdeso mengatakan...

@Dhana/戴安娜 : Best regard, saya buat artikel bahasa Inggeris yang berantakan. Tujuan utama adalah agar Trenggalek lebih dikenal oleh mancanegara. Thans for coming with your smile, I like it very much.

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