Senin, 09 Agustus 2010

Taufik Ismail, The Great Writer

TAUFIK ISMAIL ISMAIL, one veteran and renowned Indonesian poet who has a big name on the world stage. He has been hailed as a genius and the figure included in the poet  '66 Force, by Hans Bague Yassin. Besides earning essay he also wrote poetry and translated foreign books.

Taufik Ismail was born on Friday, June 25, 1937 in Bukittinggi West Sumatra, son of Ismail Abdul Gafar. He grew up in Pekalongan, Central Java, where his father was transferred to the city. The elementary school he traveled in two places, first in Bukittinggi, then to Pekalongan until graduation. He entered junior high school in Pekalongan, then moved to Bogor to deepen the science in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry (now Bogor), graduating in 1963.

During the period 1962 to 1965 where he became a lecturer at the college, IPB. Later the same profession he lived at the University of Indonesia (UI) as a lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology until 1967. In 1970-1971 he became Secretary of the DPH DKI. Then until 1973 he held positions as General Manager of Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM).

TIM after he occupied the chair of the manager of PT Unilever Indonesia Foreign Relations Department. Retired from top companies, he moved to Cairo and worked in Egypt's capital city. While in the football world terjangnya literature as a poet was he pioneered since 1965. At that time, through his verse, he hummed the Young Indonesian anger. His name was increasingly inflated as a collection of his poems titled "Tyranny" and then followed by "Castle" published in a simple format.

His poems were angry protests against the leadership of Sukarno's Old Order government. Because the Sukarno banned all manifestations of writing, then interrogate the issuance of Taufik Ismail's collection of poetry under a pseudonym. After the old order collapsed and the new order arrived to replace him, the name Taufik Ismail then famous as a poet of Force 66. In 1973-1977 he served as chairman LPKJ.

Although busy, he never stopped writing and reading her poems. His poetry is very imaginative, and this proves that Taufik is a writer who is sensitive to the situation. His work is loaded with social criticism and public complaints bawah.Kendati Thus, a touch of humor is also mentioned in the poem, besides the expression of religious poems which makes it closer to the Creator. Religious touch that makes him credible music group Trio Bimbo veteran to fill in the lyrics of songs. Children's world also caught his attention.

Children's poetry collection entitled "I was Animals" was designated a Presidential reading books. In 1978, coinciding with the World Humanitarian Day, she composed a poem titled "Pain Courtesy Yang Asleep." The poem was published all over the country through the media of newspapers and magazines. The poem was written because he was ashamed, ashamed of myself at least, because can not do much for those who are languishing in prison or jail cell.

Taufik most running sports hobby. That did every morning, including when he was a visit to foreign countries. In the country people, if weather permits, Taufik had never left the sport. At an event in TIM, he never tested its ability to compete in the 1500-meter run numbers. Although never made it into top rankings in the race arena, at least he's showing how much he cares in this sport in order to maintain vitality and stamina.

Thanks to the services and achievements Star Award Taufik Ismail RI Mahaputra services in the field of Culture. Work Here is a work of Taufik Ismail, either in the form of books or spread in a newspaper or magazine. Not everything is included, but only a few excerpts from all his work very much.

   1. Buku Mini Taufik Ismail (1971).
   2. Bacaan sajak-sajak di AS (1971).
   3. Dua Ratus Juta Mulut (1971).
   4. Kembalika Indonesia Kepadaku.
   5. Nyonya-nyonya Pembesar (dibacakan di kota Paris).
   6. Perjalanan Malam ke Roterdam.
   7. Selamat Pagi Indonesial.
   8. Tumpulnya Diriku.
   9. Sajak Pantun Terang Bulan di Midwest (1972).
  10. Tidak Ada Dispensasi Moral Bagi Seninan (1972).
  11. Ladang Angin dan Langit.
  12. Bagaimana Kalau Hutang-hutang Indonesia Dibayar Dengan Pementasan Rendra? (1973).
  13. Seni di Laut, Seni di Lembah, Seni di Udara (1975).
  14. Gembala di Bukit-bukit Palestina (1976).
  15. Sajak-Sajak Perlawanan I dan II (1979).
  16. Syair-syair untuk Seorang Petani di Waimital Pulau Seram (1980).
  17. Perkenalkan Saya Hewan (1983).
  18. Bagi Anda yang Merasa Orde Baru (1984).
  19. Renungan Menyambut Idhul Fitri (1985).
  20. Kaum Modern Masihkah Membuthkan Puisi? (1986).
  21. Arti Ulang Tahun (1987).
  22. Cerita Seorang Anak Yatim Piatu (1988).
  23. Seandainya Saya Don King (1989).

From various sources. Photo: pojokelasku.

(English Version help by  Uncle Google, Indonesian version, please click Taufik Ismail, Sastrawan Pendobrak)

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