Sabtu, 07 Agustus 2010

Trenggalek, Make Cassava Flour as Agriculture Mainstay Production

Flour MOCAF (Modified Cassava Flour) as an alternative to wheat material has a big potential to be developed in Trenggalek. Minister of Agriculture Suswono, on Tuesday (24/11) last year, was launched Cassava Flour Production Acceleration or cassava flour and the National Declaration in Countryside / Sub Authorship, Trenggalek District, East Java. Representatives of farmers from 18 provinces participated in these activities. Proclamation of Independence was celebrated with National Flour-making contest Cassava flour confectionery raw materials.

The declaration was attended by Director General PPHP and scope of the Department of Agriculture officials, Head of Department of Agriculture Crops and Hortikulutura East Java Province, the Head of the Agricultural Service accepting Agroindustrial development activities along with farmer group union starchy and starchy businessmen, and representatives of the IPB, UNEJ, and quality standard.

DG PPHP (Processing and Marketing of Agricultural Products), Department of RI, Zaenal Bachrudin, in its report said that efforts to improve the image of cassava flour is expected to continue to do so that later became "Local Flour To me". One such effort is by declaration of acceleration of Fermented Cassava Flour Production and the Declaration of National Starch, as an effort to increase compliance preparation of flour by 20% over the next five years.

DG PPHP, adding that in order to meet the consumption needs of starchy (as a source of starch and energy) at the moment still have to import 5,295,859 tons of wheat (2008). Therefore, to pursue domestic production of flour if necessary to increase the capacity of factories and the increase in the amount of flour processing units in the society especially in rural areas as the center for cassava production.

Regent Trenggalek, H. Soeharto, in his speech said that the cassava agro-industry is one of the driving in Trenggalek town, this is due to the huge potential of the planting areas and involve the majority of the people of Trenggalek, in addition to cassava flour can be used as substitute for wheat flour. Regent added that at this time in order to increase food security so as not to depend on rice, the Government Trenggalek continue to increase the diversity of food, which had been invited to West Java to the proposal Puspitek Mocaf (Modified cassava Floor).

"This event is to demonstrate to farmers of cassava, that Trenggalek, even to the Central Government is concerned with the development of Mocaf Flour production," according to among others, submitted H. Suharto during the opening ceremony last year.

According to Minister of Agriculture Suswono, people tend to be interested in practical food products in penyajiaannya, and seem more modern, such products as noodles, bread, snacks, baby foods and so forth. Changes in food consumption pattern (food habits), this causes the need for food-based starchy increased rapidly, one of the greatest consumption is wheat flour.

The evaluation results show MOCAF can be used as a food ingredient with a very wide usage. MOCAF turned out to not only be used as supplementary materials, but can be directly used as raw materials from a variety of foods, ranging from noodles, bakery, cookies until semi-moist food. With little change in the formula, or process, because this product is not exactly the same characteristics with wheat flour, rice or other, can produce optimum quality products.

Brownish cake, steamed cake and spongy cake can be made with 100% raw material MOCAF as flour. Product produced has the characteristic that is not much different from the products made using low protein flour types (soft wheat). As product development based on the volume of beaten egg, then it is not difficult for MOCAF to replace the wheat flour.

Furthermore, the Indonesian Government will pursue the elimination of import of wheat flour for industrial materials. Minister of Agriculture said it would try to reduce it Suswono gradually. Dependence of grain amounted to 20 percent or 5.2 million tons in 2008 and is expected to increase 5.6 million tons in 2009, will be replaced by increasing production of cassava flour.

According to him, the solution is impossible given the production of manioc (cassava) nationally reached 22.7 million tons / year. As of that amount, a total of 22.31 percent has been processed into food or nonpangan. "This is an opportunity for us to make food self-sufficiency. So we do not depend anymore with imports," he said.
In the meantime, the local government through the Department of Agriculture Trenggalek's been four years working as closely as possible to increase production Mocaf, as submitted by the Head of Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Plantation of Trenggalek, Ir. Surya Atmadja Wisnubroto. This is certainly very easy because of the supply side, the raw material of flour MOCAF cassava, one of the food crops that have traditionally been developed and have long been a staple food in Trenggalek, also has enormous potential.

Request More From Production

Some time earlier, when reviewing Cassava flour manufacturer, Surya explained by this increased demand was not matched by adequate availability of raw materials. Type of flour that had been circulating in the market are mostly made from raw wheat. In fact, wheat is a type of sub-tropical plants, are not very relevant to the climate and geographical conditions in Indonesia. Although it is often attempted, but until now there has been no effort to expand the cultivation of wheat economically.
"Well, then, Cassava as raw material products from cassava, would be easily developed. Moreover, the quality is not inferior to Mocaf flour-both in terms of taste, nutritional and hygienic values," said Surya pointing Cassava-making process at the Village at the factory owned Kerjo risen Cassava Mandiri (BCM) Cassava producers. Integrated manufacturer with offices located right in the center Kerjo Village, District of Authorship, Trenggalek. From the office of Business Multipurpose Cooperative "Gemah Ripah Loh Jinawi" only separated a crowded soccer field is used when the evening arrived residents.

At the edge of the road, in front of the factory, it appears some of the loaded truck was parked. That truck is the center of the cluster queue to be paid to the factory. In the courtyard own factories, a truck was parked. Some factory workers deftly unloaded from the truck, weighed and then shouldering the sacks containing the chip toward the barn.

"We are very much assisted by the existence of this plant, Mas", said one of the employees Katno. According to existing employees, the plant has dozens of clusters that are spread in almost all Trenggalek.

A man came closer, it is Cahyo Handriadi, one of the initiators of flour Mocaf who currently serves as manager of PT BCM . He told me that the business meal is a commodity they do Mocaf that very potential.

Apart from the abundant raw materials, markets for these products was wide open. Potential of cassava are spread in almost all districts in the region Trenggalek. While market demand, particularly food companies, large enough.

"Market Mocaf able to accommodate more than one thousand tons of production per month Mocaf. However, when this new PT BCM is able to produce 100 tonnes per month Mocaf." Cahyo said. With financial conditions already quite stable as it is today, actually PT BCM no longer face the problem of payment to the cluster. Problems arise precisely because the production capacity of the cluster has not been as expected. So that the grinding machine production capacity of 400 tonnes per month has not yet been optimized.

Ir. Surya Atmadja Wisnubroto promised to seek various forms of maximum convenience for Mocaf smooth production. "During all in accordance with government regulations will serve the citizens desire. Moreover, in order to increase production and reduce unemployment, which ends would increase the PAD (Regional Original Income) ", he said.
Increasing production any efforts currently intensively conducted by the Cooperative through increased production capacity of the cluster and the formation of new clusters." Approximately (necessary) 120 clusters to be able to meet the target of 400 tonnes, "said Cahyo. That's the target that was announced in this year. (see original News)

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